Carole Fungaroli asked me to pass this on to you Museum-lers.  Sounds like



Does your university house some memorable, witty, historic photos?  Would
you like to see them in a book, win a prize, gain fame as a contributor,
and also emphasize the joys of university archives?  Then join my little

Search your files for humorous, unusual, and/or noteworthy photographs
from any era in your college or university's history.  Send me a
photocopy, or scan the photo and put it on the web for me to view.  If
it's a great one, you just might win $400.  Here's the prize structure
(taken straight from my oh-so-modest photo permissions budget):

        First prize:  $400, and publication in the book described below,
        plus a free copy of said book.

        Second prize: $100, publication, and a free copy.

        Third prize:  $ 25, publication, and a free copy.

        Other prizes: Publication (as many wonderful photos as we can

*All* contributors will receive my personal note of thanks, and a
published mention on the acknowledgements page.  I'll include information
on the published photos to highlight your collection, and the art of
special collections at your institution.  Plus, if this book makes any
money (a longshot), I'll use some of the first proceeds to set up a nice
scholarship or two for students in some area of special collections.


My name is Carole Fungaroli, and I'm a Visiting Scholar in the English
Department at UNC-Chapel Hill.  My first love in grad school (at UVA) was
special collections.  Now I'm writing my second book about universities,
and I'd love to feature some of the gems from special collections in
university and college libraries around the country.  The publisher is
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, and the book should appear in March or April of

I'm doing this because the best efforts in academia are collaborative. I'd
like the finished book to be a "quilt" of amusing and thought- provoking
photographs from archives around the country.  These pictures will show
each college and university in its best light, and they'll keep readers
turning pages to look for their own schools.  You will, of course, receive
full credit in print for your contribution, and you can add the book as a
credit on your c.v.  I don't expect to make any money, but if I do, the
scholarships will go to schools of the winners, in the winners' names.  In
any event , all prizes will be awarded (hey, it's a spend-it-or-lose-it
budget, so why not?).


Carole S. Fungaroli, Ph.D./
Summer Archive Contest
PO Box 552
Chapel Hill, NC  27514-0552

Questions?  Email: [log in to unmask], or call 919-929-8775

HINT:  The weirder your sense of humor, the better!  Photos can be
macabre, ridiculous, or anything else that strikes your fancy.

If you'd like to see an example of a top entry, visit Lafayette College's
Special Collections home page and look at the photo of the Calculus Play.

Can you beat that?  I hope you'll try.

Thanks, and have a wonderful summer.

Faithfully yours,
Carole Fungaroli