
>I also heard today that the first baseball fine was issued at that [1846] game,
>when one player swore at another and was fined either 6 or 9 cents.  Of
>course, he wasn't making anywhere near what our lovely humble ball players
>make today.  But that's another topic...
That's true.  These early players did not make salaries.  It was to remain
an ameteur's game.  That was a league rule dating from the 1850s.  Not
until 1869 was there a real professional team.  The name?  The Cincinnati
Reds.  Yep, they're the oldest professional baseball team.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
***** "Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead!!" *****