>   "America was built on the principle of free will?"  Maybe you mean
>   the principle of free expression? Free will is considerably more
>   problematic, and I'm not sure that the founding principles of this
>   country were not more along the lines of "we are in God's hands/How
>   free we seem, how fetter'd fast we are."
   Eric Siegel
>   [log in to unmask]
Hmm, perhaps I chose the phrase wrongly, in a certin way, but I think it
still applies to a degree, you can't have freedon of expression without free
will.  I'm staying out of discussions of meanings of certin loaded phrases.
I just meant Dail was using the principle of free will and free expression
to state its feelings over a controversial exhibit.  I stand by their right
as strongly as I stand by the museums right to have the exhibits.  Although,
if I had drawn comparisons between the museums right of freedom of
expression to exhibit and Dails right of freedom of expression to say it
does not support the exhibit I would have come acroos a little clearer.  I
stand enlightened..:)