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Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 13:22:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carol E Mayer <[log in to unmask]>
To: museum <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Certificate in Museum Studies


The staff at the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada, are developing a certificate programme in museum
studies for mid-career professionals.   We have based the content on much
research into other programmes and the change-related issues that
currently challenge museums and related institutions.   There is no doubt
that these are exciting times, but they can also be fast-moving,
challenging and sometimes threatening.  This programme will offer a
formalised environment where we can pause, think, discuss, discover,
understand and create new ideas about our role in the changes happening
around us, and to us.  The objective is to be able to apply well thought
out new ideas to our own particular situations and share those ideas with
others facing similar challenges.   Having said that, obviously the
programme will not happen if the community does not agree with  our basic
premise.   We believe there is a need for such a programme and would
appreciate your participation and input in reviewing our approach and
suggested curriculum...and responding to our very short (really!)

The UBC Museum of Anthropology is the largest university museum in Canada
and the first to teach museum studies in Canada.

The course is intended for those who have been working for at least five
years as cultural administrators, curators, collection managers,
educators, exhibition designers, communications staff and cultural
trustees, and...?

Your working environment could be an art gallery, museum, science and
technology centre, planetarium, arts and culture centre, community centre
or part interpreation centre, within North America and beyond.

We are working on a flexible, interdisciplinary programme that will be
delivered in three stages:

1 (Spring). A 3-month distance learning component that makes use of the
Internet.   Participants and instructors will engage in lively
discussions of texts and other materials that relate to changes in the
role of cultural institutions and the society/environment in which they

2 (Summer).  A 2-week residential component at UBC will build on stage
1.  It will include lectures that challenge conventional thinking,
creative hands-on demonstrations and workshops that stretch the
imagination, and interpersonal group assignments and presentations that
concentrate on positive responses to potential challenges and changes.

3 (Fall)   Each participant will produce an essay or equivalent that
applies knowledge and experience gained in the course as it relates to
his-her particular discipline, institution or research.   We intend to
publish these essays and use them as one of the introductory texts for
the following years, as well as making them available to the larger

This is not a short programme.  It will require an investment of time,
some part-time some full-time, 6-8 months, from participants, instructors
and mentors.  We believe that it takes time to create new knowledge that
can enable us to approach change with creative ideas not desperate or
hasty measures.

We hav eput together a very short questionnaire and would appreciate some
feedback from you.   The questionnaire (an d more information) is on our
web site: http://www.arts.ubc.ca/arts/moa/moa/html.  If you do not have
access to the web please call (604-822-8224), fax (604-822-2974) or
e-mail me and I will happily send you our preliminary brochure (which
contains the questionnaire).  Also, if you have any questions , comments,
input etc. please contact me at the above e-mail address and I will
respond with all the information  I have available!

Thank you

Carol E. Mayer
Curator of Ethnology/Ceramics
UBC Museum of Anthropology
6393 N.W. Marine Drive
Vancouver, B.C>
V6T 1Z2
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