Essential reading on the subject:  Umberto Eco's "Travels in
Hyperreality." Especially for our California museum colleagues...
amalyah keshet
director, visual resources, the israel museum, jerusalem
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
date: 05/24/96

On Fri, 24 May 1996 09:37:53 -0700  Jennifer wrote:
>Dear Everyone,
>read a good article by Pearce & Moscardo who do a lot of
>research in the area of tourism and heritage.(A little on the older
>now but still a good study). One in particular focussed on the
concept of
>`authenticity'. It gave evidence to support that although
>is of the utmost importance to museum visitors it did not generally
>what many museologists would describe as `authentic'. The recreated,
>somewhat themeparkian experience with objects was as real or dare I
>`more authentic' than experiences with said authentic historic
>and settings.
>What exactly do museum people mean by an authenticity?
>What distortions do we invite or grapple with in not only preserving
>object but the more complex issue of preserving its `authenticity'?
>Whose version of `authenticity' matters and for what ultimate end
does it
>If you have a spare moment I would like to hear from you.
>"Just wondering".