At historic sites, museum stores are often found to be lacking--from the
visitors perspective.  At Heritage Communications, we have been undertaking a
nation-wide survey of historic site visitors, gathering all kinds of interesting
information!  One question asks them specifically to rank aspects of their
visit--introduction/orientation, tour, exhibits, special activities, staff
hospitality, signage, and museum store.  The two categories that consistantly
get the lowest rankings are "signage" and "museum store."  Thist wouldseem to
indicate that historic site stores are not meeting the needs of the visitor, and
that there is lots of untapped potential there.

Susan M. Ward
Director, Heritage Communications
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Mary Lundstrom wrote:
<<What part do Museum stores play in your museum?  Are there any musuem store
managers subscribed to this list?  I would love to hear from you.>>