Come now, wouldn't ALFHAM participants start the process with the live
animal...and then cure it, and whatever else to make the little sausage links?
 And I'm certain many know how to start from scratch on the mustard and guava
jelly!  Anyway, hold off on the goodies til Monday night please -- I can't get
to Houston til then!

Becky Fye
Wickliffe Mounds Research Center
Wickliffe, KY
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From:   Museum discussion list on behalf of Henry B. Crawford
Sent:   Thursday, May 16, 1996 8:04 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MUSEUM-L
Subject:        Re: Happy Hour! & e-mail amateurs

>>Oh sure, wait till after I've gone out and bought a bunch of those little
>>sausage things (I already had the guava jelly and hot mustard), and then
>>feel free to dis-invite all of us!  Now that's highly presumptious,
>>on such short notice.  Fine, I'll just eat them _all_, by my self!
>  Here's a better idea.  Let's hold our own happy hour at your place.
>We'll see you there!

Anybody goin' to ALHFAM just bring it along.  The whole list is hereby
invited!!!  BYO guava.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
*********All opinions expressed are mine**********