Hitoshi Yamamura,

I work at a small museum, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society,
Buffalo, New York, USA.  The museum was established in 1863, our
collection has approximately 100 thousand artifacts and 150 thousand
library items.  We have 14 full time staff members (40-50 hours per week),
4 part timers (17 hours) and 50-75 well trained volunteers.  We get
approximately 40% of our funding from city/county government, 20% from
grants (state/federal/private) and 20% from earned income (admissions,
programs, memberships etc.).  In a small museum we all do many tasks in
addition to our primary fuction.  Computers can help make the work load
easier to manage.  We depend on our volunteers, so we train them well and
treat them like gold.  They add greatly to what you can accomplish and
some have expertise in areas of what museums do (business, typing,
exhibit/facility maintenance, public relations etc.).  If you are
resouceful and not afraid to ask for help, I think you will find people to
be interested and willing to help.  Good Luck, I wish you much success.
If you would like to talk more please send e-mail.

Administrator, Dept. of Research and Interpretation

"As you think, so shall you become."