On Apr 09, 1996 13:48:28, 'David Phillips <[log in to unmask]>'

>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       David Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
>Organization: Planning and Architecture.
>Subject:      artists' rights in Canada
>from David Phillips in Manchester UK re: artists' rights
>Can anyone confirm whether I am right in thinking that Canada's bill
>C-60 (amended copyright act 1988) gave artists rights over the
>display of works even after sale to a public museum, far more
>extensive than the protection of reputation offered by the US VRA,
>and to some extent by the UK Copyright Act?  Presumably the Canadian
>legislation would apply only to works made after some recent date,
>but also presumably to an artist of any nationality with work in a
>Canadian museum.
>If that's right, how is that affecting gallery practice in Canada?

An article that answers this exact question is slated for publication in an
upcoming issue of Visual Resources that is to be dedicated entirely to
questions regarding the copyright and use of images and objects in
reproduction.  Stay tuned on this forum for the announcement of its
publication and for publication of the table of contents.

Robert A. Baron
Guest Editor, Visual Resources: on copyright
Museum Computer Consultant
P.O. Box 93, Larchmont N.Y. 10538
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