Its amazing how quick people shout censorship on this list.  If I get this
right  Dial still supports the Museum, but not the flag exhibit.  Its their
money, they can do what they choose with it.  Maybe some people would prefer
they pulled there support entirely out of the museum.  America was built on
the principle of free-will, which those in Dial are utilizing, and some
people on this list are flaming them for this.  If Dial is going in for
censorship then selected people on this list are against the use of free
choice to make a point. We may not support everything our goverment does but
we still support it, much like Dial and the museum.  I know this is a little
heavy handed, but so are all the claims of censorship agsinst Dial.  This is
my opinion and my opinion only and only represents what I feel.  Right on
Dial, use your free-will not to support the exhibit, and the protestors, use
your free will NOT to go to the exhibit and leave it alone..........Tim