Yes, volunteers are important.  And they should be given every assistance
they can, and even put on pedestals occasionally.  But, unfortunately, as in
any situation, there can be a rotten apple who refuses to grow with new
knowledge and/or change.  Sometimes it gets to the point, if all options
have been exercised, the volunteer in question needs to be "fired."

Yes, voluteers can be fired.  Just be careful though.  Document everything,
the problems, what was done to attempt to correct the situation, and
anything else that might have a bearing on the case.  Again, make sure ALL
avenues have been exhausted.  Volunteers are more precious than even cash -
I knew of one who went through every conceivable job we had, ended up being
great at folding newsletters, and still wrote a cheque for half of the
centre's electricity bill.

Having worked for the Red Cross, and having worked as an Animal Care
Director of a Rehab Centre/Museum, the unpalatable task of doing this, has
fallen into my lap. Sometimes, it definitely needs doing, though.


At 23:12 5/3/96 PDT, you wrote:
>I agree the importance of volunteers; I simply was dealing with an issue
>of ethics, of touching negatives and the importance of preserving
>objects for the future to enjoy.
>We talked (the volunteer and I) and all is well. Yes, volunteers are an
>asset, a very important asset to museums.  We cannot
>do without, nor can many other agencies.  Volunteers are the heart of
>musuem's work force.  I would never become sour to anyone.
>However, wearing gloves, etc., is simply common museum practice.  As
>a Director, with a mission to preserve the collection, when practices
>are not enforced (with kindness) the situation should be correct.
>Training, working with the volunteers, staff, etc. are all important.
>I appreciate all comments.
>At 02:44 PM 5/4/96 +1200, you wrote:
>>>  But if you must ask this individual to
>>>leave the museum, then you must.  This happens among staff as well.
>>>But this incident shouldn't sour your perception of all volunteers.  Many
>>>will prove to be a true asset.
>>And let's hope that it doesn't sour the remaining volunteers perception of
>>Michael Moffatt.
>>Collector of Photographica.