My Archive-friendly friend mentioned the movie "Party Girl" to me,
claiming that I must have been the inspiration for the main character.
Parker Posey is the lead actress.  You've got to stick it out to the end,
and watch when she says  "I'm serious about Grad School" while a male
stripper is giving her a lap dance.  This scene is for all of us who want
to go to school but are unsure about spending the time and money on
something so permanent.

Also rent "How to Steal a Million" with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole.
An automatic classic for us art history people.

And how about that movie version of "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil
E. Frankweiler" with Lauren Bacall.  That children's book was my person
inspiration to go into museum work.

Happy viewing!