Welcome to the list, Bill.  Its nice to hear some details about who and
where you are.  The rest of us who've been here for a while ought to do the
same -- an INTRO post.  I'm still amazed by the realization that this
"community" consists of people spread around the corners of the globe.  It
would be good to have a mental picture to go along with some of the names.

Stephen Nowlin
Director, Williamson Gallery  Art Center College of Design

Bill Smith writes:
>I am really pleased that the MCN Conference will be relatively close to home
>this year.  I attempted to convice the board that I should go to Seattle
>one year, Washington another year and was an utter failure at San Diego last
>year.  I think the budget might be able to handle Ottawa this year!
>I am Bill Smith at Huronia Museum and Huron Indian Village in Midland,
>Ontario.  Situated on the southern shore of Georgian Bay our museum is a
>standard regional history museum with an appended replica Huron Indian Village
>representing the life of the Huron before European contact.
>I am the Assistant Curator/Photographic Archivist and the lucky one to be in
>charge of the museum computerization programme for collections management.  My
>personal background is in professional commercial/industrial photography.
>I was
>educated at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California
>My particular interest is in the cataloguing of photographic images on the
>database and the use of that database for research and the subsequent sale of
>photographs for publication.  I am investigating ways to put our images on a
>system to be available for remote access via the internet.
>I am very interested in photographic restoration and conservation.  I now can
>restore images photomechanically but want to move on to the newer frontiers of
>digital enhancement.  Money, budgets and time are continual deterrents to
>progress in some areas but we are progressing steadily forward in a effort to
>catch up with technology.
>I'm looking forward to meeting and sharing ideas with everyone.
>Bill Smith