>we have a lot of trouble with ethnographical
>objects and we're never shure if it's the soul of all these stolen god's
>ore simply PCP and dioxin.
How about souls? I have a Chinese Tang dynasty (ca 750 AD) stone figure of a
young girl. Technically I think it4s a fake but it4s still a good sculpture.
This thing has such a presence that I can feel this "girl" looking a me
across the room.
Does someone else have this feeling about things?
Jan-Erik Nilsson                       Tel. 44+31-711 00 46
Research coordinator East Indiaman Gvtheborg
Gvtabergsgatan 11                    Fax 44+31-13 80 91
411 34 Gvteborg, Sweden        e-mail: [log in to unmask]