The following post appeared today on the Museum-L
discussion list.


>>> Mr PM van Leusen <[log in to unmask]>
05/30/96 06:43am >>>

*** CALL for PARTNERS in the RAPHAEL programme ACTIONS
M, A, and T ***

(This announcement is posted to a number of lists. Please
forward it to any other list, person, or group you think is relevant.
We apologise if you receive more than one copy.)

From: the European Archaeological Heritage Web team

Recently, the European Community called for proposals within
the RAPHAEL Community action programme for the
preservation and enhancement of the European cultural
heritage, including the archaeological heritage. We believe that
the RAPHAEL programme aims in this area would be best
served by including resources to develop the use of the Internet,
and have developed a set of proposals accordingly.

What do we want:
We aim to provide a support mechanism for all existing and
new networks dealing with any aspect of the archaeological
heritage within the Raphael Community action programme, by
establishing and co-ordinating a common communication and
information infrastructure that uses the power of the Internet and
the WWW architecture. Services offered by this infrastructure
could include resource guides such as ARGE
(, moderated professional
discussion lists, on-line and downloadable teaching modules
for primary, secondary, higher and further education, and
centres of expertise for areas such as heritage management
and conservation studies.  We envisage running pilot services
in the three areas for which calls for tenders are currently
available - a hypermail forum for professional cooperation in the
Heritage Management field, a  Virtual Museum for European
Archaeology , and a remote learning centre for Conservation

We are looking for: a) European partners who are already active
in using the Internet and WWW in these areas, and who would
like to host and/or pilot one or more of the proposed services; b)
Existing networks within the areas specified by the EC call for
tenders, that wish to enhance their internal and external
communication and information via the Internet.

Prospective partners need to contribute 75% of the estimated
cost of the service, as the EC will only fund 25%.  However,
existing hardware, staff time, operating expenses, overheads
etc can be costed in as part of the bid. As the RAPHAEL actions
have a closing date of 15 June, we urge you to reply quickly and
contact us by phone on +44 121 414 7343 or e-mail at p.m.van-
[log in to unmask] (Martijn van Leusen). An extended version
of our proposal can be found at <a href= >

Please do not reply to the list you are reading this on - I am not
subscribed to any of them!

Martijn van Leusen
Sara Champion
The EAHW Project