You no longer need to apply each letter separately.  There are firms that
can take your lines of text on computer disk and create lines of vinyl
press type in a large selection of typefaces, type sizes, and colors
(though matte black is still the best choice).  Care must still be taken to
affix the lines of text neatly, and you might need to cut out individual
words in order to adjust the spacing.  But it definitely takes less tijme
than doing it letter by letter.  Some graphic design houses, or signage
companies, or places that can do silkscreening are able to do this.  Cost
depends on character size.  It's definitely cheaper than silkscreening,
though probably a bit more costly than buying packs of Chartpak or

Lucia I. Dorsey
Arthur Ross Gallery
University of Pennsylvania
220 South 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6380
TEL: (215) 898-4401
FAX: (215) 573-2045