Neither of these have anything to do with houses but are truely unique
happenings in Nebraska and should not be missed.

The Winnebago Pow Wow is the last week in July.  It is the oldest
(claim contested by every tribe) Pow Wow in the United States.  They
attract 100's of the best dancers.

Ashfall is a vert.paleo site that has rhinos that were buried in mounds
of ashfall which preserved the bone without crushing.  A national treasure.

On Wed, 1 May 1996, John Leeke wrote:

> Fellow Historic Preservationists (and old-house nuts):
> I'm planning a trip through Lincoln and on to Knox Co.
> (Verdigre and Niobrara in the northeast part of the state).
> The purpose of my trip is to study the history of Czech
> Immigrant architecture and to scout out article ideas
> for the various publications I write for including Old-House Journal.
> Do you know of any important projects or historic sites I
> should visit?
> John Leeke, Preservation Consultant
> 26 Higgins St., Portland, ME 04103, USA
> 207 773-2306
> Old-House Journal, Contributing Editor
> AOL, HouseNet, Historic HomeWorks, Pundit, [log in to unmask]
> CompuServe, Handyman, Old Houses, SYSOP, [log in to unmask]

Betsy Price, Project Manager            A joint project sponsored by:
The Natural History of Genes            Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
UMNH                                    Utah Museum of Natural History
University of Utah                      University of Utah Medical School
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

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