On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Robert A. Baron wrote:

> Attention, history museum curators:
> I have to empty a New York City apartment that is filled with medical
> equipment dating back to the 1930s and 1940s.  There is an X-ray machine, a
> fleuroscope (I think) and lots of smaller home office medical devices,
> cabinets, benches, scales and assorted tools, etc.
> Are these items potentially of use to history museums (preferably close
> ones), or should they be assigned to the junk yard?
> In addition, there are some items of kitchen equipment that may date to
> before the 1920s.
> What to do with all this stuff?
> Robert A. Baron
> Museum Computer Consultant
> P.O. Box 93, Larchmont N.Y. 10538
> [log in to unmask]
        The University of Iowa Hospitals and clinics have a medical
museum which may or may not be interested in the objects you described.
I would imagine, however, that there are other medical museums out there,
possibly in your area which would be interested in such objects.