Anybody in UK with info ?
Subj:   Working class homes: 19th cent
Date:   96-04-03 14:14:15 EST
From:   [log in to unmask] (Dave Postles)
Sender: [log in to unmask] (H-Net British and Irish History List)
Reply-to:       [log in to unmask] (H-Net British and Irish History List)
To:     [log in to unmask] (Multiple recipients of list H-ALBION)

Information is needed by a colleague on working class urban homes in the late
19th century.  Specifically, she is trying to fing material on:

        house interiors (furnishings, wallpapers, pictures, ornaments -- both
upstairs and downstairs);
        photographs or pictures of late 19th-century working class people
inside their homes.

The information is needed for an exhibition which is reconstituting the home
a family on moderate but regular wages (poor but not destitute); the head of
the household was a coalman (not a miner, but a coal deliverer).  It is
intended to be a sample household for which the museum has some information
already but needs some contextualisation.
I hope someone can help.
Dave Postles
Dept of English Local History, University of Leicester
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