>She's quite right, too, about the reluctance (nay, rampant hostility) of
>archeologists to put values on artifacts.  On the one hand, they fear fostering
>the trade in artifacts (which does quite well without their participation) and
>they believe the scientific value of an artifact with contextual information
>takes it out of the realm of being just a piece for the shelf.
>Tom V.
>Tom Vaughan            \_    Cultural
>The Waggin' Tongue      \_    Resource
><[log in to unmask]>               \_    Management,
>11795 Road 39.2                     \_    Interpretation,
>Mancos, CO 81328  USA           \_    Planning, &
>    (970) 533-1215                           \_    Training

Sorry, that was a little tongue in cheek. I've had many individuals who will
remain nameless walk through our collection here and ask what things are
worth. Since I'm new to the area, I've had pot hunters (I do not believe in
calling anyone an "amateur archaeologist") come to me with artifacts that
they say they collected off of private property and ask me what it's worth.
I just bat my eyes and say "Um.... nothing." That REALLY ticks 'em off :)
but I feel like we have to discourage that kind of behavior too. I'm happy
with the strides NAGPRA and the Park Service is making on stopping these
bozos and in making this kind of trafficking more costly to the offender.

I think I need a "tongue in cheek" symbol on my keyboard ... ;)

Amy Marshall