Daryl Fisher writes:
>The founders' philosophy is that all exhibits in the museum
>are totally experience based and that there is no need for
>labels of any kind. They believe that any relevant concepts
>or essential information can be conveyed in programming.

I believe that *well planned and written* labels help visitors,
and that they look to labels for clues as to what's going on.
I strongly agree with Helen Frazer's comment about asking
your visitors what they think.

If you then decide to experiment with label-less exhibits,
they need to be extra well designed to be self-explanatory.
Same with programming--if you're counting on it to get across
your points, build into your planning and bugeting all the time,
money, training, scheduling, etc. necessary to have that live
interpretation available consistently.

Eileen Campbell
exhibit planning and (could you tell?) label writing
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