
Quotations from Greg Koos:
<<The concern previously raised is that no museum has the funds to buy the
collection.  It is better to copy it than to alow the collection to be

Some museums do indeed have the funds to purchase the collection--which is no
help or consolation to the rest of us who are increasingly forced to compete
with collectors willing to pay whatever it takes.  Since the Wright Bros.
etc. collection is of national significance, perhaps some institution can
find a patron to purchase and then donate the collection.  At least the
larger places should explore the possibilities of acquiring the papers before
they're scattered.

Sure, I think at least having a copy of the information would be of great
benefit to researchers, but a copy is no substitute for the real thing.

<< And yes in the best in all possible worlds the collection would be put
and treaured. Let me know when you find that planet - I'll be the first to
book passage!

Greg >>

I guess that's the destination of that spaceship of Museo Utopiana bound for
Ursa Major in the soap opera, episode 3!
