Some sort of payment, a stipend, a
>scholarship, room and board provided by the museum, something to help
>make a volunteer internship more possible for the student.

I had an intern (a really great one!) say that she understood that the
internship was unpaid, but could I spare some money so that she could at
least make her car payments (she had gotten a PT job for food, gas, etc. and
was staying with friends for the 4 months of the internship).  I scrounged
and found the money--she was too good not to make the effort.

She later applied for a PT opening here but, based on what I knew of her
career aspirations, I determined that she was not appropriately qualified.
She is still in town, we call each other and have lunch, and she is still
absolutely great and way happier where she is than if I had hired her.

Julia Moore
Indianapolis Art Center