Dear Jeanne,

I am a Museum Studies and Art History graduate student at Syracuse
University. As a part of my education, I am required to have a summer
internship.  I do not come from a wealthy family who can afford to
support me over the summer, therefore I too am wondering how I am going
to devote my time and hard work over the summer and not be paid.  I did
look into some paid internships, but those are highly competitive and
receive hundreds of applicants.

I truly believe that your points are valid.  I know some students in my
class whose family is willing to offer financial aid, as a result, they
are able to obtain unpaid, high profile internships. Yes, it is elitist
and is financial discrimination.  In a profession that is suffering
drastically from cutbacks, I am wondering if I will ever be able to make
a living.

As a temporary solution to my problem, I decided to take my internship
for independent study credit in both Museum Studies and Art History so I
can take out yet another student loan and have some money to live by.
Another option is finding a part-time job and working 60+ hours a week in
order to learn and survive.  Thanks for addressing the issue!

Jennifer Warner
Syracuse, NY