At 02:48 PM 4/8/96 -0600, you wrote:
>          Timothy,
>          I'm not familiar with graduate school charges, but at the
>          undergraduate level, 12 credits costs the same as 18,
>          classified as a full-time student.
>          I guess internships are a better deal for BAs.
>          Kathy Lear
>          CREHST

I think my grad school is weird... (actually, I KNOW it is, but that's
beside the point!). When I did my Co-Op (did anyone else pick up on this and
make tracks to their appropriate university department about this?), I took
it for 6 credit hours. I worked from Jan - Aug, and took the credit in the
Fall. A full-time load of courses cost around $800 (in state), so I signed
up for 9 more credits and got 15 for the same price. It's amazing how
professors will work with you to creatively place your credits into your
schedule to your advantage.
