Its not just an ethical question is it? It is my understanding that
non-profit institutions aren't allowed to sell anything, unless under
special circumstances.

On Fri, 29 Mar 1996, Eric Siegel wrote:

>    I've been given to understand that selling art from a museum exhibit
>    is considered against the museum code of ethics.  I guess the idea is
>    that commerce degrades curatorial integrity, and that there is a
>    conflict of interest.  This conflict goes: If MOMA displays the work
>    of an artist, the value of that work goes up.  If MOMA then sells the
>    work of that artist, MOMA is benefitting from its own imprimatur.  I
>    always thought that this was pretty stringent, but I'm told that this
>    is the museum ethical standard.
>    Eric Siegel
>    [log in to unmask]