John Burke and Sally Shelton presented a very good, hands-on
     conference last week  on Anoxic Enclosures and Microenvironments in
     Museum Storage  and Vitrine Cases.  Those of us from the museum world
     who got to attend certainly learned a lot.  We want to thank John and
     Sally for a well prepared conference and all the information that we
     received and we would hope that when they can be persuaded to present
     this topic again that as many of you as can will take advantage of
     this conference especially staff of small-medium museums.  You may not
     be able to have any control over  the entire musem's HVAC systems but
     after this course, you can create your own individual artifact or case
     environments which will go a long way toward the preservation of the

     If you are intrigued you can contact Sally Shelton or John Burke on
     this list.

     Thanks Sally and John,