I was very interested in Ms. Finan's message, as I have recently been
applying to and researching internships.  Her point about the children of
the wealthy having an advantage in terms of accessibility to unpaid
internships is absolutely true.
        I returned to university in my 30's and am about to graduate with
an MA in Art History.  I am self-supporting, and have worked 2 part-time
jobs in order to get through school.  Despite this, and some much
appreciated scholarships, I will graduate with a student loan of over
$20,000.  There is no way I can now expect to move to another city and
support myself for 10+ weeks in an unpaid internship in order to gain museum
experience.  Ms Finan is absolutely correct in pointing out that this
practice diminishes any chance of employee diversity.
        I hope more museums and galleries will begin to devote funds to
supporting interns, as it is definitely in their future interest.
J. Spafford

Jacqueline Spafford / Grad Dept. of History of Art / University of Toronto
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