Cultural Resource Management Program, University of Victoria

"Communities and Museums: Strategies for Change", June 12-14, 1996
Museums are experiencing profound shifts in their relationships with
communities as public funding diminishes and diverse community
interest groups seek greater involvement in the identification,
preservation and interpretation of their culture and heritage. This
workshop examines the complex factors reshaping the ways in which
communities and museums interact, and provides you with strategies
for building more meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships.

IINSTRUCTOR:  Greg Baeker has a background in museums and public
policy. He was Executive Director of the Ontario Museums Association
and Executive Coordinator of the Ontario Heritage Policy Review for
the Government of Ontario. He is currently completing doctoral
studies in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Waterloo
focusing on museums and community cultural planning, and is a partner
in the consulting firm of Applied Cultural Principals.
DATES: June 12-14, 1996 (just prior to Canadian Museums Association
Conference, Vancouver, June 15-18)
FEE:  $300.00 (non-credit only)
ACCOMMODATION: On-campus accommodation is available: B&B facility at
$61.00/night, residence rooms at $36.95/night, condo-style apartments
at $81.90 - $134.55/night, 1-4 people. The Program office can advise
on off-campus alternatives.

* To provide an opportunity for museum professionals to reflect on
their shared experience on the evolving relationship of communities
and museums.
* To seed this dialogue with leading ideas drawn from the
international literature on museums and such relevant fields as
cultural planning and community development.
* To build a set of principles and best practices that might serve as
a guide to navigating new community-museum relations.
* To establish a network of individuals interested in ongoing dialogue
on these issues.
* To approach the design and delivery of the workshop in ways that
explore new approaches to learning and continuing professional

Museums are renegotiating relationships with the diverse communities
they serve.  In this workshop our goal will be to reflect on this
growing body of experience. What are the values and principles that
can help navigate this new world and guide individual and
organizational practice?  What new professional competencies are
needed? What guidance can be found in such fields as cultural
planning and community development?

The workshop will explore three interrelated themes:
1.  New Frameworks of Understanding: That progress in renegotiating
community-museum relations must begin with a re-framing of core
museum concepts

2. New Management Practice (Inside-out Change Strategies):  That
success in building new community relationships rests, paradoxically,
on first reforming internal management structures and practices

3. Community Cultural Planning (Outside-in Change Strategies):  That
museums can increase their relevance by assuming leadership roles in
community cultural planning and development

For further information or registration materials, please contact:

Brenda Weatherston, Program Coordinator
Cultural Resource Management Program
Division of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria
PO Box 3030, Victoria B.C. Canada V8W 3N6
Phone 604 721 6119 FAX 604 721 8774
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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