Many many happy Easter wishes to all Museum-l contributers.  I always learn
a lot from this list.

And best wishes from Sweden's candidate for the 1996 European Village
Development Prize.  If you are on your way to Sweden, do contact us.  There
is at least a free cup of coffee waiting for you at City Hall in Stockholm.
Mr. Gail Watt, exec.dir.  Ecotourism in Northern Sweden, is a co-
Husaa-Kallbygden Promot.  operative project of the City of Stock-
City Hall                 holm, Jemtland Provincial gov. agencies
S-105 35  Stockholm, Sweden    and 40 ecotourism producers.
tel +46 8 785 95 90         *preserve local culture of villagers
fax +46 8 785 99 96         *promote sustainable development
E-mail: [log in to unmask]      *care & protect wealth & diversity of      our natural resources