As an example of what can happen if you *don't* register your
organization on-line, the URL links to the
Mendocino Community Network rather than the Museum Computer Network.
The same thing happened to MTV who were slow off the mark on the
Internet and had to pay quite a lot (largely to lawers I suspect) to
get their name back on-line. Museums and related organizations would be
well advised to have their names registered earlier rather than later
if they think there could be a name clash, to avoid this sort of
problem. I believe it costs about $100 if you do it yourself, more if
someone else does it for you. Please don't send me requests about name
registration - ask a local Internet provider instead.

Jonathan Bowen
The University of Reading, Department of Computer Science
Whiteknights, PO Box 225, Reading, Berks RG6 6AY, England.
Email:  [log in to unmask]