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Dear Stacey --

While this is only one kind of museum (albiet the largest segment of the
museum population in America in number), women were very instrumental in
the historic house museum movement of this century.  While some poke fun
at "little old ladies in tennis shoes", and while the women who pioneered
this movement were admittedly from a very narrow segment of the
population socio-economically and ethnically, the Mount Vernon Ladies
Assoc. began a system of acquiring funds to purchase historic sites and
open them for public benefit that accounts for the single largest
catagory in museums overall today and certainly the largest expansion in
museum type in the last 100 years.

The historic house museum philosophy has progressed far beyond the shrine
mentality that initiated many of these projects, but there is no doubt
that these women's efforts were pivotal in shaping the historic
preservation and house museum movement.  For more information I would
suggest contacting Mount Vernon and The National Trust for Historic
Preservation (202) 673-5000.

Good luck.

Michelle L. Craig
Traveling Psychology Exhibition
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