Women played an important role in the development of the Museum of Modern
Art.  They are Abby Rockefeller Jr., Lilly Bliss, and Mary Sullivan.
Several sources worth checking out include:

Barr. Alfred H., Jr. "Chronicles." In: _Painting and Sculpture in the
Museum of Modern Art 1929-1967_. New York: Musuem of Modern Art: 1977;

Barr, Margaret Scolari. "Our Campaigns: Alfred H. Barr, Jr., and the Museum
of Modern Art: A biographical Chronicle fo the Years 1930-1944." _The New
Criterion_. Speical summer issue 1987; 23-74.

Goodyear, A. Conger. _The Museum of Modern Art: The First Ten Years_. New
York: by the author; 1943.

Hunter, Sam. "Introduction." In: _The Museum of Modern Art, New York: The
History and the Collection_. New York: Musuem of MOdern Art; 1984.

Kert, Bernice. _Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Woman in the Family_. New
York: Random House; 1993.

I hope this helps,

Nicole Frost
Program Asst/Graduate Student
Visual Arts Administration
New York University
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>I am interested in researching the contributions of women in
>the development of museums.  Alexander's _Museums in Motion_ is
>a solid overview of the history of museums but he doesn't mention women's
>I have done some preliminary investigation at my university but
>have not turned up any works specifically devoted to this
>Could you all recommend other sources of information?
>Thank you.
>Stacey Howe
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>Stacey Howe                                     [log in to unmask]
>Instructional Technology                     University of Virginia
>*"The question is not what you look at, but what you see"--Thoreau*