>Is it just me or do others think "A Goya", "Dragoon vases", and other such
>objets de art for purchase, are out of context on this list serv?
>Can we recommend a more appropriate venue/approach for these individuals?

>Claire Pillsbury

Here we go again.  Listen, folks.  Ideas come in all shapes, sizes, and
styles.  It is futile to try to "package" ideas to fit some artificial
standard, when this forum is broad and cosmic by nature.  Museum-L is
intended for the free flow of all museum related ideas, no matter how
large, trivial, or politically correct.  If someone has information to
share, whether it is a legislative update, a new publication, or an
available object, this is as appropriate a means of communicating such
ideas as any newsletter.

Contrary to your contention, available objects *are* of great interest to
subscribers of Museum-L.  We all know what a delete key is for.  Use it.
Better to delete an unwanted message than to silence a colleague.  Fight
censorship everywhere.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
*********All opinions expressed are mine**********