The Library of Virginia faced the same problem exactly in
equipping its new building, now nearing completion. (If you
have to ask what a library is doing with studio paintings you
haven't been working in the real world - messy, untidy,
illogical - very long). We were all ready to solve it at the
hardware store, with chainlink fencing and slotted steel
pieces. This was the joint idea of myself and our "Owner's
Rep," an architect. Fortunately, though, we found units of a
"cage" in our present-and-soon-to-be-former building, which we
are getting dipped & then powder-coated. But the former idea is
still sound.
According to Indianapolis Art Center:
> Anybody know of a good manufacturer for custom or stock STATIC (not sliding)
> painting storage racks?  I got an estimate from Spacesaver for the good
> sliding kind and they are excellent but pricey.  We also need some racks
> (not necessarily archival) for our new studio storage areas.
> Any and all information will be appreciated.  TIA!
> Julia Moore
> Indianapolis Art Center