Registrations are being accepted for the 1996 Pacific Aerospace Museums
Conference at HMAS Albatross, in New South Wales, from May 3-5th. The three
day gathering again features an international lineup on eminent guest
speakers. Hosted this year by the Australian Naval Aviation Museum, the
Conference will adddress a range of practical topics affecting both amateurs
and professionals working in the aviation heritage field. Heritage
legislation, exhibition design, conservation, collection documentation
standards, and recent technology impacts, arejust some of the subjects being
addressed. Keynote speaker will be Contessa Maria Caproni, Director of the
fabulous Caproni Museum in Trento, Italy. The Museum of Victoria's recently
restored Lockheed Super Constllation will also be on hand for the duration of
the Conference with speacial access provided to delegates. Programme &
Registartion details follow:

Friday 3rd May
        9.15    Registration of Delegates
        9.45    Official welcome  by the Conference Chairman, Cdr.
        Mike Lehan (RAN Ret'd.), Director, Australian           Naval Aviation
Museum  (ANAM) Foundation
        9.50    Official opening, Senator Michael Baume
        10.15   Morning Tea
        10.45   Keynote Address, Il Museo dell'Aeronautica
Caproni, Contessa Maria Fede Caproni Armani,            Director, Caproni
Museum of Aviation, Trento,             Italy
        12.00   Lunch
        1.15    Dream Machine: The Remarkable Story of Super
Constellation VH-EAG, John Brooker, Secretary,          Hist. Aircraft
Restoration Soc.
        2.15    A Current Perspective on Airworld's Future
                Sqn. Ldr. Gerry Dowling (RAAF Ret'd), Manager,
Airworld Aviation Museum, Wangaratta
        3.15    Afternoon Tea
        3.45    Guided Tour of Super Constellation VH-EAG
        5.00    Programme concludes (followed by an informal
gathering at the Nowra R.S.L.)

Saturday 4th May
        9.15    Flying The Information Superhighway,  Geoff
Holden, Senior Curator, Communications, Museum of               Victoria
        10.15   Morning Tea
        10.45   The Bankstown Aviation Museum: A Progress Report,
        Trevor Dean, Director, Bankstown Aviation Museum
        12.00   BBQ Lunch
        1.15    An Interim Report on the Australian Heritage
Commission's first survey and assessment of             Australia's
aeronautical and astronautical          heritage, Mark Clayton, Executive
Director,                       Hawke's Bay Cultural Trust, N.Z.
        2.15    Naval Aviation Museum Development,  Cdr.  Mike          Lehan,
        Director, Australian Naval Aviation Museum              (ANAM)
        3.00    Afternoon Tea
        3.15    Outcomes and implications of the recent
'Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act'          Review,  Frank
Maloney, Secretary, National            Cultural Heritage Committee
        4.15    Photographic Collection Conservation, Mark
Nizette,Manager, Department of Conservation,            National Film and
Sound Archives of Australia
        7.00    Conference Dinner (ANAM Function Centre, HMAS

Sunday 5th May
        9.00    Aviation  Exhibition Planning: Some Recent
Thoughts &  Experiences, Rose Young, Curator of         Exhibitions, Auckland
        10.00   Morning Tea
        10.30   Aerospace Collection Documentation , Ian Debenham,
        Curator of Transport, Powerhouse Museum
        11.30   Open Forum Discussion
        12.15   Lunch (Butt of Beef)
        1.30    Guided tour of the Australian Naval Aviation
Museum's collection storage and restoration             facilities
        3.30    Formal programme concludes

Telephone No.
Fax No  E-mail

Registration Fees

A$95-00 or NZ$100-00
A late fee of A$15-00 will apply for registrations received after Friday,
April 26th. The registration fee provides for morning and afternoon teas, ANAM
admissions (delegates only), and entry to the reserve and storage collections
at HMAS Albatross  on Sunday, May 5th. Lunches and the Conference Dinner are
additional as indicated below.     Cheques and money orders should be made
payable to ~ Aerospace Museums Conference,  and sent to:

The Director, Australian Naval Aviation Museum,
Box A15, Naval P.O.,Nowra, N.S.W. 2540 , Australia.

Intending delegates are advised to register early as seating is limted.
Those paying by credit card - the method preferred by the organisers - are
asked to complete the following details: (please tick).

0 VISA           0 BANKCARD        0 MASTERCARD

NO. 0000000000000000

SIGNATURE _______________EXPIRY DATE________
Enquiries to :
Mark Clayton, Executive Director, Hawke's Bay Cultural Trust
Ph: 64-6-835 7781; Fax: 64-6-835 3984: E-mail: [log in to unmask]
or : Lt Cdr Mike Lehan, Director, Australian Naval Aviation Museum,Phone:
044-211920; Facsimile:  044-211999.