>The Missouri Historical Society is planning its first home page and we
>would like to  benefit from the experience of any other history museums
>that already have done this. The questions are:
>1. How much staff time is involved in keeping the home page updated?
>2. If you include an institutional e-mail address for people to write with
>their questions, how many inquiries do you get?
>3. Are your questions mostly research related or are they more concerned
>with program offerings and general information?
>4. How does your current offering differ from your original effort - or -
>what did you learn from your first efforts that needed to be changed?
>If you have any words of wisdom or just advice, please e-mail at
>[log in to unmask]
>Thanks for your help!

By any chance is the person who sent the above a Marsha Bray, formally from
the Illinois State Museum?

Terry Suhre

Non illegitimi te carborundum