Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria

With regards to recent discussions of available distance education
opportunities, the following courses are offered in the distance
education format from May through August, 1996 through the University of

Introduction to Museum Studies / Introduction to Heritage Conservation
These courses make use of extensive print and video resources to provide
a comprehensive study package that can be completed in your home or
workplace. These courses are designed to meet the following objectives:
* to develop a philosophical basis for work in museology or heritage
* to become knowledgeable about the principles and practices which guide
all aspects of work in these fields
* to study these field in the context of sites, institutions, projects,
and issues that are of personal and professional relevance; and
* to work independently in the locations and at the times best suited to
your individual needs.

These courses are available for credit, transfer credit and non-credit

Dates: May through August (* also available Sept.- April)
Please register by: April 30
Fee:  $640 Canadian

For further information and registration materials, please contact:
Brenda Weatherston
Program Coordinator
Cultural Resource Management Program
University of Victoria, Box 3030
Victoria BC V8W 3P2
Tel: (604) 721-8462   Fax: (604) 721-8774
Email: [log in to unmask]

Merchandising the Museum - May 1-3  * two spaces available - register ASAP
Museum Information Management - May 22-31
Communities and Museums - June 12-14
Curatorship: Indigenous Perspectives - June 20-28
Introduction to Museum Studies, Introduction to Heritage Conservation
                May-September (by distance education)
Communicating Through Exhibitions - September 18-27
Heritage Planning - October 21-25
Curatorship:Issues and Practices - October 28-November 6
Financial Management - November 13-22
Public Programming - December 2-11