My $0.02.....

Yes, take everything and be as well-rounded as you can be. When I got to
grad school, I took courses that other students believed I was INSANE to
take (some of them didn't count toward graduation, but we had a set amount
we paid for a "full load" semester). I took courses in Historic Preservation
Planning, museum and historic site management, conservation, research
methodology, and interned three times in three separate museums. I have a
solid anthropology/archaeology background, and got the job I have now
because I have field experience, ARPA experience, curatorial experience,
archives, conservation, and historic architecture classes and background. My
current boss said he saw my vita and thought it was a "dream come true,"
because I have the wherewithal to take care of an archaeological collection,
and they can toss me out in the field for Section 106 compliance as needed.

The other folks in my graduate program are having a HELL of a time in the
job market because they took the classes that would round them out for one
thing - the position of "nautical archaeologist." And, since we know how
many of THOSE there are around in the U.S. (which has a HORRIBLE record for
taking care of its submerged cultural resources - as a rule, my two cent's
worth), you can imagine how STIFF the competition is in the job market.

My opinions, I'll get off my soap box now. Getting a variety of experience
and taking the widest (and, as my advisor noticed, the weirdest) selection
of courses, worked best for me...

All the Best,
Amy Marshall
At 10:02 AM 4/19/96 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm seeking career advice from list members with anthropological
>backgrounds who have or are currently working in museums. In a nutshell,
>I am pursuing a doctorate in cultural anthropology and want to know if I
>should considerate a museum studies certificate program in addition. I am
>particularly interested in hearing personal experiences in how
>educational background has affected job opportunities in the field. I'd
>appreciate initiating dialogues off-list with those willing to help.
>Thanks very much!
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