
        I could be wrong and i am not a museum specialist but a computer
science student. Anyway, I think that to have arts and images combining with
text, audio and video inside a computer, which sometimes is called a kiosk, it
can be consider as a computer exhibit or exhibition. I am know a little bit
confuse about the different context of the word.  Although, a "kiosk" would be
just a suplementary material in the exhibit and it does not intend to opaque
what is inside the exhibit. But we have toconsider that these kinds of things
help the childrens to have a better visulization and interest in the museums as
it will also help the handicaps and hearing impared to have a better understandi
ng about the exhibit. Don't you think? Do I am wrong?
        Anyway, I am in real doubt about the difference between the words
exhibit and exhibition!!! Could someone please told me if a kiosk is a
computer exhibition or a computer exhibit!!!!

        Thanks a lot,

                Natasha Ann Gitany
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