As I remember, there were two parallel YIJ TV shows running
concurrently: one with YIJ about 9 -10 years old (I especially
liked the one in which he was in Vienna & debated Sigmund
Freud, but the screenplay writer missed the golden opportunity
to have Mark Twain, who was in Vienna just about then & lionized
by all the intelligensia, in the mix as well); the other with
YIJ about 17-18 (this would be the one in which I have been
informed that River Phoenix was YIJ
According to Katherine A:
>           Harry,
>           THe Young Indiana Jones series faded into three made-for-TV
>           movies shown on the Family Channel (I've seen two so
>           far-don't know if I missed the third or if it hasn't been
>           released yet) and then, as far as I know, that will be the
>           end.  Too bad!  I really liked the series too!
>           An interview of Steven Spielberg reported that he was to
>           finish the 3 YIJ movies and then will go back to the Star
>           Wars theme and make another trilogy, taking place before the
>           first movie.
>           Thanks to SS, both Harrison Ford and Sean Patrick Flannery
>           are two of my favorite actors!
>           Kathy Lear
>           CREHST