A number of people have asked how I did my 'quick and dirty' survey.

I searched the Internet using Alta Vista's search engine for links to a
particular site, excluding pages from a particular url.

You can see an example if you enter the following text string into your
browsers 'location' field, and hit the return key:


The list of Natural History Museums for which I compiled information took
me about 30 minutes to do.  It is very simple and easy.

Go to Alta Vista


Find all links to your site, excluding pages from your own site.
  link:http://my.site.com/ AND NOT url:http://my.site.com/ in Advanced
Query, or
  +link:http://my.site.com/ -url:http://my.site.com/ in Simple Query.
To speed up the search, you can leave out the very common words http and com.

Remember, this doesn't give a measure of the number of 'hits' or requests
for data that a particular server gets, it is a measure of the number of
links to a particular site from other sites.


Jim Angus
Information Technology and Hypermedia Programs
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90007

voice:  213/744-3317
fax:    213/746-2999
eMail:  [log in to unmask]
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