Larisa Overmier wrote: "Speaking of controversial exhibits has anyone heard
or seen any exhibits on
human rights issues? "

The Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a lay Buddhist organization and a UN Non
Governmental Organization (NGO) has organized a large exhibit called "Towards
a Century of Humanity: An Overview of Human Rights in Today's Worlds" which
is traveling to venues throughout the world.  I understand, however, that it
will not be shown in the US.  I have seen photos and text panels from the
exhibit, and imagine that it has aroused some controversy.  It includes
multitudes of examples of human rights violations from many countries,
ranging from Japanese treatment of the Chinese and Korean "comfort women"
during World War II to the McCarthy era in the US.  The SGI-USA is now
beginning work on an exhibit to travel throughout the United States,
tentatively entitled "Diversity and Dialogue" which will include sections on
American human rights violations such as subjugation of the native peoples,
slavery, Japanese American internment and etc.  I am one of the developers of
this exhibit which is scheduled to open in Los Angeles in the spring of 1997.