The Toledo Museum of Art has formed an Information Technology Task Force,
charged with developing an automation plan. We have developed a short
survey as a way of obtaining information from Museums/institutions who
have been through this sort of thing.  Your help is appreciated.

Name of Museum:  _____________________________
Phone Number:       _____________________________
E Mail Address:      _____________________________
Contact Person:      _____________________________

How many staff members are involved in your technology planning?

How do you acquire your technology?
                _____  outside corporation underwriting projects
                _____  individual vendor
                _____  mail order

Would you be willing to share name/address/ phone of  vendor/corporation?

What type of automation planning have you done?

Who was involved?

How did you proceed?

What is the status of your technology?

        Does your Museum have a Web Site?_____________________________
        Does Museum Staff have access to Internet?________________________
        Is the collection accessible to
        Is the membership file accessible to entire
        Do you have interactive computers for
        Is your entire staff networked?___________________________________
        Does the staff have access to accounting data
        Is your library automated?_______________________________________
        Do you have Voice Mail?_______________________________________
        Do you have E-Mail addresses for members?________________________

Do you provide on-going training for staff?

How much does your Museum budget for technology yearly?
        (This figure should not include staff salaries.)

What is the size and annual budget of your Museum?

Any additional comments or insights you may have that can help us would be
greatly appreciated:

May we contact you with further questions?

Thanks for your help.  Please respond to one of the following E-Mail

[log in to unmask]              or              [log in to unmask]
Sandra Moore                                    Kathy Gee
Systems/Network Administrator                   Photographer
The Toledo Museum of Art                                The Toledo Museum
of Art