I apologize for this placing this on MUSEUM-L, but I must post a
congratulations to Texas Tech men's basketball for their NCAA win over N.
Carolina (shattered backboard and all) on national TV.  Congratz to our
women's basketball team as well for their win over Notre Dame, also on
national TV.  In all, a good weekend for Tech.

The celebrating around here is almost non existent because it's spring
break.  Accordingly, I felt compelled to give three cheers, although I'm
not a basketball fan, because they all deserved it.

Cheer!  Cheer!  Cheer!

Please don't lecture me on the appropriateness of this on the list.  Just
delete it and move on, OK?  Thanks.  Now I'll answer the question on
leather treatments.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
*********All opinions expressed are mine**********