At first I was mystified by the mysterious BCDC's strange message about
my apoplectic rage. Why on earth would anyone post such an odd statement
about me, I wondered. What could I have done to induce such a
reaction--I, so laid back that I've been thought to be comatose? So I
reviewed the messages that I've sent recently: no, certainly nothing
there to make anyone think I was enraged--in fact I was chagrined at how
dull and lifeless they were. I made myself a mental note to stop
waffling and equivocating, learn to form and articulate strong opinions,
maybe take some assertiveness training. But then I realized I was
jumping to conclusions again (a normal reflex when aroused from slumber
in quiet museum back rooms with only spiders, mice, and the ghosts of
stately, patrician curators for company, where the unwashed multitudes
are never permitted to disturb the dust of the centuries). Obviously
BCDC meant not me, but someone with a very similar name (mine is spelled
without the second "t"). But this created even more mystery--not only
about the near-coincidence, but also because I've been missing the
messages from the enraged "stitch" person. Could it be that "V" chip I
had installed in my computer? I don't know how the report of this nasty
explosion got through, but I notice that BCDC's name was filtered out.
Well, if I ever explode like this poor HaberSTITCH fellow, it won't be
from apoplexy--just perplexity. --David Haberstich