
Apologies for the late reply to your message on 16 mm. film restoration.

I'd suggest you post this query to the Association of Moving
Image Archivists listserv (AMIA-L). If you subscribe you'll be sure
to get any responses:

TO:     [log in to unmask]

leave subject line blank

and in body, type:

        SUBSCRIBE AMIA-L firstname lastname

Also, since you're in Dayton, you might want to contact LC's Motion
Picture Conservation Center at Wright-Patterson AFB to see if there's a
local vendor they would recommend. Contact:

        Ken Weissman



Henry K. Mattoon                                       __
Director,                                             /<>\___
National Moving Image Database (NAMID)              /<>      \___
 The American Film Institute                      /<>         <>/
Los Angeles, CA                                 /<>         <>/
213.856.7702                                  /<>         <>/
[log in to unmask]                                 /<>_        <>/                        \___  <>/

On Fri, 1 Mar 1996, Melissa Smith wrote:

> I have a very old and brittle 16mm film which we would like to
> a) be able to view and b) be able to conserve or restore.  As this
> is not my area of expertise, what can be done to save this film
> footage?  Feel free to send replies off list.  Thanks!
> Melissa R. Smith
> Dayton Veterans Museum
> VA Medical Center
> 4100 W. Third Street
> Dayton, OH 45428
> [log in to unmask]