Living in Cambridge, MA which boasts an Agassiz Street, an Agassiz School,
and a museum or two that owe their existence to him, I've never heard any
other pronounciation than AH-guh-see (the "AH" is a broad vowel, close to a
short a and the "guh" is really a "g-schwah")

>I have been requested to find out the correct phonetic pronunciation for
>the famous US natural scientist Louis Agassiz frpm the 19 century .
>Could the replies show Agassiz in  phonetic spelling:
>Thanks ,
>Terry McClafferty
>(Tear-ry   Mac-Claff-fer-ty)

Edward Rodley            email:            [log in to unmask]
Exhibit Planner                           [log in to unmask]
Museum of Science,       URL:
Boston, MA

  Opinions expressed are the author's alone (thankfully)