We need your help in support of the federal, cultural agencies.  You may
either call 1-800-651-1575 between March 10 and March 19 to send three
Western Union mailgrams, at a cost of $9.50, by hand-delivery the next day
the your US Representative and two US Senators urging their support for
arts and humanities, or write a letter similar to the one below to your
Senators and Representatives.  Be sure to tell your friends and colleagues
call, too!

Dear Senator/Representative _________________________:

My friends and family are depending on you to fight for the National
Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, and
of Museum Services.  The national leadership and funding of these agencies
are crucial to the arts and cultural activities that our community needs.
Please do not let us down.  The Federal government plays an important role
helping to support cultural activities in the United States and around the
world.  It is a role appropriate to the Federal government because
creativity, mutual understanding, education, and the life of the mind
the nation's well-being
while strengthening citizenship.  These programs include international
exchanges, historical conservation, humanistic and artistic learning and
expression, and the preservation of our natural heritage.

1.  The NEA, NEH, and IMS are a great investment in the economic growth of
every community in this country.

2.  The NEA, NEH, and IMS stimulate local economies and improve the
of life throughout the country.

3.  The nonprofit arts industry generates $36.8 billion annually in
activity and supports 1.3 million jobs.

4.  The arts and humanities attract new tourism dollars-the fastest
economic market in the country today.

5.  The NEA, NEH, and IMS are responsible for building the still-growing
cultural infrastructure of our country.

6.  The arts and humanities enjoy bipartisan support at the federal,
and local levels.

7.  A string federal, state, and local partnership of investing in the
is essential to maintaining the vitality of this cultural infrastructure.

8.  The NEA and NEH ensure accessibility to the arts and humanities to
everyone to participate in and enjoy.

9.  The arts and humanities are an investment in our children and

10.  The arts and humanities promote civil virtue and citizen


Your name and address

Sarah Z. Rosenberg
Executive Director
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
1717 K St., NW, Ste. 301
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 452-9545
(202) 452-9328 fax
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