Having lurked around on this list for some time, I am aware of the
scholars on board.  However, I find it strange that none have mentioned
the German Prince Maxmilian of Wied who toured the American west in a
convoy of wagons and horses in 1832 through 1834.  His collection of
Native Americana, fauna and flora and other artifacts was displayed at
his castle and probably started the Germanic interest in American
Indians.  Karl May is a Johnny-come-lately who took advantage of an
already in place and waiting audience.  Incidentally, the Prince
travelled in style with hunters, scientists and even a professional
Lou Lucke
Montana State University - Northern        internet  [log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 7751                              voicenet  406/265-3765
Havre, MT  59501                           faxnet    406/265-3777